If you’ve ever undertaken a home remodeling or construction project, you know full well that they don’t always go as smoothly as planned.
At Domicile Consulting, we utilize the years of expertise we’ve gained as general contractors, investigators, and remodelers to help property owners ensure they are receiving exactly what their construction/remodeling proposal promises as well as a quality product that meets or exceeds industry standards. In addition, as part of our service, we can also specify the materials and methods to be used in the construction of your new home or in the major renovation of your existing one to help it perform better.
If you are in the process of, or considering a large capital improvement to your home or building, call Domicile at 312-488-1461 to discuss how we can help you maximize your investment and quality of the delivered product.
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Write or call us for a quote and to discuss your building today at (312) 488-1461